My Costuming.
One of my more time-consuming hobbies is costuming, which means to say that I buy patterns, fabrics, and sew, and am talented enough to fudge a pattern a bit and to change a needle in the sewing machine occasionally! I'm going to start a separate page to post my pictures of my costumes. I've always wanted to share pics, because I'm on a couple of costuming listserves and it's wonderful to see other's costumes.
link to my page of costume pics:
Some of my sewing accomplishments include a Renn Faire serving wench, a Hobbit based on Rosie's party dress, a Boromir costume (like a knight) from Lord of the Rings (for Ben to wear), Eowyn's "refugee dress," Arwen's "dying dress" altered as a top, a replica of Pearl's Castle Forrester uniform from the show Mystery Science Theater 3000, Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, a Jedi, Boy George from his Colour By Numbers days, a replica of the shirt worn by Lestat in concert in the film Queen of the Damned (again, for Ben), and other less interesting projects.
Sewing sort of halted when I got pregnant, even tho I have some baby projects in the wings. I'm also working on other Lord of the Rings costumes, and a replica of Neo's coat from Matrix Reloaded for Ben. Let's's January now. Perhaps I can give that to Ben for a present NEXT Winter Solstice! Wish me luck.

caption: I'm the giantesse on the right with my Ringer friends at the Renaissance Faire. I'm standing on a little unnoticed mini-hill, plus everyone else is tiny! I swear!
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